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  • Braille Self Portrait

Braille Self Portrait



Please view 2nd image in the product gallery to hear audio description of the artwork.


To see my face you have too read my face

This piece is very important as it shows how I see myself in the mirror, a broken image made up of thousands of dots. I have a memory of how I look and what close friends and family look like, but I don’t know what strangers look like unless we chat and I get to know them through the words we communicate. 

So, people who have limited vision can learn about me through my words and sighted people will see my face from a distance, as a picture of my face is made up of Braille. But to know my face you have to read it, so they must learn Braille.

The Braille reads:

“My name is Clarke and I’m blind but also a visual artist using Braille as my artistic language how I see is like looking through a thousand dots opening your eyes under water know those dots mean something as you touch my art to decode how I see image face through words”

  • Size: 91 x 122 cm

    Price: £2,000

    If you are interested in purchasing an original from the "Do You See What I See?" Exhibition, please contact us at :

  • Size: A3 







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